Did anyone catch the interview today with Bruce Willis’ daughter, Rumer? She spilled the beans on why interviewers dislike her father because they think he is difficult to talk to. HE CAN’T HEAR THEM!!! She said that he has had hearing loss for years. He got it on the first Die Hard movie from all the guns and explosions because he didn’t wear any ear protection. It has only gotten worse over the years with the more “gun” and “explosion” movies that he has made. She said that it is very difficult to carry on a conversation with him at the dinner table when she and her sisters are there. And that he hasn’t done anything about it because of his image. He is supposed to be the tough guy and …..I guess….tough guys don’t wear hearing aids.

Imagine this. He would do more for his image and for all the men in the world who think they have to be like him, to admit that he has hearing problems and that he is going to do something about it. I’ll betcha all the hearing aid companies in the world would line up to give him free hearing aids and thousands of dollars to promote their aids. And he will be able to hear his new daughter when she starts to talk. Boy, I hope he man ups and does the right thing now that his secret is out.